Saturday, October 27, 2012

Since it is almost Halloween...

I feel like we should start with some gory stories. Sound good? Ok!

A few months ago I took care of a woman who had hidden advanced breast cancer from her husband and family for months...

Yes, there were some mental health issues there. No, she had not seen a doctor in years...

So anyway, her cancer was growing outward, where you could look at her skin and definitely say, yeah...something's not quite right here...kinda like this:

picture from here

                                                          but on her breast....Yum! Kidding! 
It was gross (to say the least) and I felt so horrible for this poor woman and the physical and mental pain she was experiencing. The whole situation was mind boggling. I felt even worse for her husband, who was completely in shock by all of it. I hope that she and her family have found peace for the future.

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